Monthly Call For Life

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Location: Virginia, United States

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Video - Peter Shinn at the United States Capitol Building

Peter Shinn, President of Pro-Life Unity, founder of and also the Monthly Call for Life spoke at the Capitol about the need for people to get more involved in the process of ending abortion. One of the current bills is HR 618, a Right to Life bill sponsored by Congressman Duncan Hunter.

Shinn said:

Click here to continue reading at

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Black Genocide

Right to Life Montgomery Country recorded a message to America from Alveda King, Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.. She says that:

"African Americans, we have a heritage of brotherhood, we have overcome much to survive. But today, there's a genocide threatening to erase our hope and eliminate our future. It is three times as likely to strike black women. It has claimed 14 million of our children..."

Of course she is referring to abortion.

Click here to hear the Montgomery County Right to Life message with Alveda King and go to for more information.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Nationwide United Action Call Today - Saturday July 7th

Call For Life TodayJoin us today for the The Monthly Call for Life at Today is the first Saturday after the first Friday. Go to an abortion mill in your area and pray, stand with a sign, or whatever you want to peacefully do for a couple of hours. Click here if you want to print out flyers, Life Cards or the sign that we use.

No matter what, go to the abortion mill, even if all you do is stand there. Women drive by & see if there is a Pro-Life person standing there. If there is, some continue driving & don't come back.

Many of you said that it is difficult for you to participate in an outside event on Friday, so here is your chance! Go to & click on Calendar to find a picket or location to pray near you. If you want to start your own or are already picketing or praying at a location, email us at and we will post it on the calendar.

If you are in the Washington D.C. area you can join us in Falls Church, Virginia from 09:00 am to noon at 900 South Washington Street, or go to the many other abortion mills where people are praying. Click here to find other efforts in the D.C. area and around the country. Go to & click on Calendar for more information.

Go to for up to date news on our events & to send information & pictures about your events.

United we stand - Divided they die - Pass it on